Friday, May 22, 2009

Serene's Mum Hate(s) It!

Real name or Nickname: Serene

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Location: Singapore

My chowchow is called: Mum hate it [ED: What a name for it!]

My chowchow is a...: Pillow

Number of chowchow years it has lived: 22

History (and stories) of my chowchow: This is the second generation one. The first one i can't remember what happen to it. Must be thrown away by Mum. She use to place a pillow on our chest when I am a girl girl so that we will not be frighten by the thunder storms during the night. I still have it on my chest till today when i sleep.

When was the last time your chowchow had a bath?: Never! But Mum always sun bath it when I am not at home which I truly resisted as she will lose her fragrance.

My family's relationship with my chowchow: No wars so far, although Mum refuses to add cotton to her, she still will make new pillow case each new year for her.

My bed partner's relationship with my chowchow: Na, i hope my future husband will treat her well. Hee.

Finally, I love my chowchow because…: Without her, I can't live, sleep, eat, work and play well. Is a precious thing that is truly mine and she will always be there without judgment and love me unconditionally although sometimes I kick her off the bed.

Last but not least, i felt my mother's love too.


zack said...

wah.!22 years.. thats long. i want! hahs.

Drummer said... been coming to 2 years since i wrote tis and guess wat, my chow chow is here with me writing this comment.

My chow chow got more stuffing last year after much begging from mum. She made her a new set of pillow case too. She has become more chow and fatter now.

I hope all chow chow out there is doing fine!