Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yiyi's Donkey Eeyore chowchow!

Real name or Nickname: yiyi

Age: 20+

Gender: Female

Location: In my Company~

My chowchow is called: Ah Tu

My chowchow is a...: DONKEY! Eeyore!

Number of chowchow years it has lived: 1++,& still living...

History (and stories) of my chowchow: He's from Kiddy palace. i fell in love with him when i 1st saw him! so he said! "ME! ME! ME!" tadah. so he's with me now. (=

sharing his hobbies:
- rotting on my workstation
- going over to my users desk
- walking ard in office
- loves to eat
- staring at my monitor
- combing his little hair

When was the last time your chowchow had a bath?: he doesnt likes bathing and he's so clean, there's no need for him to bath~

My family's relationship with my chowchow: 1st day when my mum saw him, she shook hand with him and welcome him. [ed: hahahah hilarious]
my colleagues will ask me how's he..
we're best partners!!

Finally, I love my chowchow because…: He accompanied through the hardest days in office. survived every difficult suitation with me..
and of coz he's just so adorable.
He accompanied me for business trips.
and he's going to more places.
he gets excited when i started packing my luggage! He gets a special space in my luggage~

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