Monday, June 1, 2009

Noel's Green Freak from 'Educated Baby Land'!

Real name or Nickname: Noel

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Location: Hougang, Singapore

My chowchow is called: Baby or 'Green freak'

My chowchow is a...: Pillow

Number of chowchow years it has lived: 7

History (and stories) of my chowchow: Baby was made by my grandmother and lives in  family of 5 babies, it being the youngest. Its species of babies is called 'Educated baby' and they live in 'educated baby land'. Their neighbour include squiky and its family of 7, which belong to 'nest baby land'(squiky and its family belong to my brother).

When was the last time your chowchow had a bath?: The last time I vomited on it.

My family's relationship with my chowchow: -  [ED: This explains everything i guess lol]

My bed partner's relationship with my chowchow: I will kiss and hug it everyday, I always sleep with it.

Finally, I love my chowchow because…: it has been with me since young

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