Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jane's "Mr Bolster" chowchow!

Real name or Nickname: Jane

Age: 22

Location: Singapore

My chowchow is called: Mr Bolster

My chowchow is a...: Bolster!

Number of chowchow years it has lived: 4 years

History of my chowchow: Believe it or not, my chowchow was actually made by me from scratch! It was actually a gift for my boyfriend and so it is kept in his house of course! so my boyfriend and i both get to use it=)

When was the last time your chowchow had a bath?: NEVER!!!

My family's relationship with my chowchow: well, it's non-existent!

My bed partner's relationship with my chowchow: they r good friends..yaps, im pretty sure about that!

Finally, I love my chowchow because…: It was my creation and it was real hard work to sew it stich by stich! And of course it represented a special meaning since it was made for my special partner.. oh and it's really travel-friendly since it can fit into my suitcase and so i get to bring it along when i go on a holiday=)

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